Today Ryan sent Jude's DynaSplint and of course I had to shake my finger at him for just sending the splint, no note or anything, the nerve of him. But as he says you get what you get and you don't throw a fit! So Jude is back to being RoboJude at night. I'm thinking that I should have gotten a 2 bedroom apartment because with his brace on his right foot and a cast on his left arm I may get a little bruised sleeping with him tonight. His DynaSplint is the most wonderful thing in the world and gets the best results. It is a metal boot that gives him a passive stretch when he is sleeping so he doesn't notice it as much. When he wakes up he can push his foot out but when he relaxes it slowly stretches again. I wish he could have one for his hamstring now, it's so tight and I think that is what causes him to limp a little bit. By using the DynaSplint we have been able to avoid bottom injections for 18 whole months. That makes me so happy, the injections and serial casting is hard on him.
I am so excited for tomorrow, I am going to lunch with another mom who is here with her daughter also. I am really looking forward to it because I will get some much needed adult interaction and I have never actually known anyone who's child had a stroke as well. And Jude has already started a countdown for Friday when Grandpa comes. Grandpa told him he would get here about 10:00 and if Jude wasn't up he was going to jump on him. But Jude already has a plan to put his righty out to clothesline Grandpa if he jumps on him. I think they're both a bit excited. Poor Jude has been with only me for 2 weeks, don't know how anyone survives me for that long!
I know it's pushing it but it's almost the weekend then after the weekend we will be over the halfway bump and then it's all downhill from there. The ever optimistic look on it!
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Location:Birmingham,United States
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