It's too bad that I have zero confidence in the school Jude is supposed to be going to next year, they spent the last year observing not helping. It floored me when I went into the case conference and was told he traps a bottle or jar with his right arm and opens it with his left. I would think that an occupational therapist would teach him the correct way to hold a bottle in his helper hand but I was told that is the "educational model versus the medical model" that happens in private therapy. Don't get me wrong, I know there will come a time that Jude does this, I will not be around him 100% of the time to correct it. But I need him to learn how to do it the correct way then adapt to his body. The case committee that assessed him believes that he is functional therefore does not need services. I don't consider that functional but I certainly do have high expectations for him. BECAUSE HE CAN DO IT! People are wondering if a parochial school would serve him better because generally it has smaller class sizes and more time to help. So I looked into that today. I can't believe that me of all people is thinking of putting my kids in catholic school. Part of me thinks they are correct, maybe he would get more assistance in that setting but I am skeptical. Currently Clay is in the gifted and talented program at the public school and I have no doubt Jude will follow in his footsteps. But at that school they do not have a special program for advanced kids. That concerns me. They say all their children are taught to the G&T curriculum but when Clay was in the regular classrooms he was bored. He played when they were supposed to be learning because he understood it and didn't need the extra explaining. It caused some people to think he had ADHD which was not the case. So I think I am going to keep my options open and look into other places. I am still hoping that the school will come to their senses and carry Jude on the program, I already have the appeal started. He had his occupational therapy evaluation before we came to Alabama and will have his physical therapy evaluation when we get home. At the very least he will be eligible for a 504 plan. I appreciate all the help people have given me with this, I promise it will go to good use! I haven't thought about it just yet because our trip here to Birmingham has taken up all my mental capacity! I am sure I will be bugging you all so much your sick of me soon enough, have no fear! But for now I am going to go snuggle with my little man without the fear of being clubbed in the middle of the night with a cast. I only have to stay away from his legs, he is still wearing his metal splint and it hurts! Good night all.
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Location:Birmingham,United States
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