Friday, June 3, 2011

Operation Last Day of School

It was Clayton's last day of the 3rd grade today. I can't believe he will be in 4th grade next year. And Jude will be in kindergarten. Oh, it's all starting too soon! Our school system is going to offer a limited number of all day kindergarten rather than just the half day option available now. They will have two classrooms and are using a lottery system to choose 50 children to go full day. I signed Jude up only because I know he would do great at it and it would give him the extra practice he needs. Athough I won't be too upset if he is not chosen as one of the full day kids because then I would get more time with him! It will be very difficult for him to do two handed tasks like carrying a lunch tray and playing on the playground. If he can get a little more practice in before all his peers it would benefit him so much. I don't know if his motor planning is delayed because of the stroke or if it is in his personality but he is very calculated. He wants to know what he is doing before he does it and he likes to think things through.

I reminded Jude that next year it will be he and Clay getting destroyed after school on the last day. I don't think he liked that idea too much. It's OK, he has about a year to warm up to it. We had a blast after school today. I made enough balloons to keep all 5 of us in water balloon ammunition for about 15 minutes which felt like an eternity!

I did the old distraction trick. I made the new water slide the first thing they saw.

While they were busy looking at that we drenched them with super soakers when they got off the bus. We had 5 huge buckets filled with water balloons and water guns for everyone complete with a fill up station. I came in soaked, apparently they thought getting the adults would be more fun!

It was great fun. These are the after shots

To finish it all up we had sno-cones on the front porch. My little man is no longer a third grader, it's crazy!

Tomorrow I head back on my trip to Birmingham. Ryan and I are planning to stay downtown Nashville tomorrow night then Jude and I head back to the apartment on Sunday. I am looking forward to seeing him. I have enjoyed my time home with Clayton so much. I can't wait for next week to be done and us on our way back home with a stronger little boy. Happy summer!

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Location:Fishers,United States

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