Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fun day

Today was a great day! We tried to go on a nature hike behind our apartment but the trail was covered with broken trees. About a month ago tornados ripped through the area and there is so much devastation around us. Right behind our apartment are trees broken in half and almost every house has their roof tarped. Glad we were not a month earlier. Jude also got to play wii bowling today. It's difficult for him to release it when he is rolling the ball but it was a great start.

Clayton is doing really well also, Ryan is out of town so he's hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house. He called me a couple of times today to ask me if he could watch some tv shows. I have to say, that kid is one of the best. I am probably one of the more strict moms in regards to the tv and unfortunately for him I said no to UFC, world's dumbest, and adventure time. He just said ok and found something else, what a guy. I think he likes his one on one time just as much as Jude does!

Tomorrow Jude is going to try to wear pants with a fastener on them. The movement for buttoning a fastener are the same as tying a shoe and pretty soon he will be starting that task. We're still doing a lot of strengthening exercises with Ms Jackie. Mary Rebekah (the head OT) brought over a ski rope and tied the chair up so he could pull it across the room. I asked him if I could sit in it and he could pullme but he looked at me like I was nuts! I told him maybe at the end of therapy but he didn't get excited! who knows what he hill be doing come June 10, at the rate he's progressing I wouldn't rule that out, he's a rockstar!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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